Is Capri Models a Scam? Fake model agency and Scam Advice.

As an aspiring model, you will see a bewildering array of information and misinformation on the Internet, and trying to figure out the scams from the genuine agencies can be difficult.

There are some companies that flood the search results with misinformation, and try to lead you away from the genuine agencies.

These dodgy dealers will mix truth with incorrect information in order to mislead. For example, it’s true that no modelling agency should ever charge you an upfront fee to sign you to their books.

However, Capri Models is not a modelling agency and has never claimed to be, so mentioning this fact is irrelevant when assessing the use and reliability of Capri Models.

In fact, Capri Models can only assess you for potential as a model, give advice and help you take your first steps when approaching modelling agencies and looking for modelling work. No modelling work can be guaranteed – and nobody will promise you success – it’s simply impossible.

Capri Models can help you become a model, but only if you’ve got the potential in yourself, and they cannot directly get you modelling work. This is all clearly stated on the website – so those who attack Capri Models are only interested in scamming aspiring models themselves.

Capri Models Free Shoot – is it a scam?

You may have come across negative articles which state that Capri Models promise a free photo shoot, but then don’t deliver.

This is completely untrue. If you are accepted by the Capri Models team, then you will be invited to a free photo shoot at an associated studio (run by Capri Model’s associates Pacha Studios) based in the heart of London.

The photo shoot itself is completely free, you receive time with a professional photographer with top quality hardware, in a purpose built studio with makeup artists and stylists on hand.

At the end of the shoot you will be able to view your pictures and you’ll be asked if you would like to purchase them – but of course it is completely within your rights to walk away and not part with a penny.

Capri Models– is it a scam? £50 deposit

If you accept your free photo shoot, then you will be asked to pay a £50 deposit. This deposit is to cover the expenses of the studio in the unfortunate event that you don’t turn up. Unfortunately, some people think it’s fine to book a place at a studio and then not bother to show up and not bother to cancel.

Running a studio has a lot of associated costs, including rent, electricity and payment of wages. The main purpose of the deposit is to discourage timewasters who have no intention of turning up in the first place, but it goes some way to recouping lost outgoings as well.
Having a fully refundable deposit is absolutely standard practice for any photographic studio, and anyone that says otherwise has obviously not had much experience running a business.

Capri Models Avoid the Scams – helping you become a model

Do you want to become a model? But don’t know where to start, or how to approach modelling agencies?

Capri Models is here to help! Our team has many years’ experience helping launch the careers of new models based in the UK.

We have expert photographers, make-up artists and stylists, who can get you a great portfolio, looking like a professional model; that you can use to approach modelling agencies, or get freelance work.

We can also provide lists of reputable modelling agencies in the UK, and can recommend what type of modelling might suit you best, and give hints and advice about how to get your foot in the door and start making your dreams come true.

The modelling industry is a very tough one, and you need to give yourself the best possible chance if you’re going to have any hope of making it. That means getting expert advice, and that’s where Capri Models can help.

If you’d to like to find out more about how we can help launch your modelling career, register on our site and one of our consultants will give you a ring to discuss your options.

Register for free to became a model today!